After graduating from Crenshaw Christian Centers charter class school of ministry in 1987 soon after in 1989 Dr. Parker answered the call of ministry. Dr. Parker returned to his hometown of Akron, Ohio where he founded Church of the Living Word (formerly known as Harvest House Christian Center) and is currently known as World Harvest Christian Church. The first service was launched on Sunday, April 2, 1989, in the basement of his home.
Through the vehicle of the word of faith with demonstration and power, the ministry began to flourish. After six months the ministry outgrew their home and began holding services on the campus of The University of Akron. Shortly thereafter God opened up a door for the ministry to acquire its own location. After three years the ministry continued to thrive and was able to purchase their first property in 1993 which enabled them to service their 250 member congregation. God began to direct the ministry into leadership training and development for various callings and gift-ings which began to usher the ministry into the prophetic and apostolic church. Through this movement, the ministry continued to grow and increase by the utilization of outreach and television ministry entitled “Put this in your Spirit” which increased the ministry to over 500 members.
With the desire to further develop and train God’s people Dr. Parker launched Ministry Training Institute in 2001. In 2003 God began to open international doors for Dr. Parker and the ministers at World Harvest Christian Church to teach and to train thousands of men and women around the world. In 2009 a daughter of the ministry launched Harvest House Christian Center Southwest in Tulsa, Oklahoma. After stepping into the office of the apostolic, Dr. Parker began hosting consistent services throughout the New York and Los Angeles areas. In 2012 World Harvest Christian Church became an affiliate of Friends International Christian University and began providing accredited bachelors, masters, and doctorate programs. As the ministry continued to excel and increase In August of 2012 World Harvest Christian Church purchased a 6.5-acre campus which enables the ministry to facilitate the vision that God has given the ministry. In 2016 World Harvest expanded its walls and launched a new location in Los Angeles California. Currently, God is using World Harvest Christian Church to empower and equip lives around the world. In 2016 World Harvest installed Pastor Joshua Parker as senior pastor in Akron Ohio.
In the triune God - The Father, The Son, The Holy Spirit
Matthew 3:16-17, 1 John 5:7, Genesis 1:26
Jesus Christ is true God and true man.
John 1:1-3,14, Colossians 1:14-18, John 14:9
The Holy Spirit is a divine person.
John 14:16, John 15:26, John 16:7-15, John 14:26
All Scripture is given by the inspiration of God.
2 Timothy 3:16-17, 2 Peter 1:20-21
All have sinned and come short of the glory of God and are in need of salvation.
John 1:12, Romans 1:16, John 3:15, 1 John 4:15
Salvation has been provided through Jesus Christ for all men.
Romans 10:9-10
It is the will of God that every believer is filled with the Holy Spirit.
John 4:14, John 7:37-39, Joel 2:28-29, Acts 2:4, Acts 10:44-46, Acts 19:6
Healing is provided in the redemptive work of Christ and is available to every believer.
1 Peter 2:24, Mark 8:17, Psalm 107:20, Psalm 103:3, Acts 28:27
The Church consists of all those who have received Jesus Christ as their personal Savior.
John 1:12, 1 Corinthians 12:28, Hebrews 12:23-24
There shall be a bodily resurrection of the just and the unjust.
Acts 1:9-11, John 14:3
In the personal, visible, imminent return of Jesus Christ.
Revelation 1:7
In water baptism and observance of the Lord's Supper.
Matthew 3:11, Acts 8:36-39, Acts 10:47, 1 Corinthians 11:23-31, Luke 24:34-35
The tithe belongs to God.
Malachi 3:8-12, Hebrews 7:7-8, Genesis 14:17-20
It is God's will to prosper our lives financially.
1 John 3:12, Proverbs 10:22, 2 Corinthians 9:10, Philippians 4:19
1. Reflect Jesus
2. Deomonstrate Gods Love
3. We were Saved to Serve
4. Blessed to be a Blessing
5. Live Christ centered lives
6. Allow Gods word to be our guide
Teach the unadulterated word of God with demonstration and power.
To teach believers how to live a lifestyle of faith and integrity.
Train believers to walk in the supernatural.
Help believers grow into spiritual maturity.
Seek and save those who are lost.
Minister to the spirit, soul, and body.
Gather, train, and send laborers into the harvest.
Build Christ-centered Families.
Inspire our youth to fall in love with Jesus.
Plant, strengthen, and equip churches throughout the world.
Build disciples who Look, Love, Live like Jesus.